Do you have to do Bible Study in the morning?

Anyone else not a morning person? It takes a good while after my body has woken up for my brain to follow!

My friend (who is also not a morning person) and I were talking about this the other day and discussed how we’ve had to change a perception in our minds that Bible Study has to always be early in the morning. I’m sure that works wonderful for some but we were sharing how for us night owls, late at night is often such a fruitful time for focused study and time in God’s presence! The both of us still start our days in prayer of course, and often I will listen to my audio Bible whilst eating breakfast or running too, that feels more like a gentle wake up call to my brain!

Just wanted to encourage any other night owls that if early morning isn’t your most fruitful time for in depth Bible Study that’s totally fine! Find the way that solid Bible study works best in your routine and go for it! God didn’t create us all early birds! I’m going to drink my coffee now…


How the flood foreshadows Jesus (Genesis 8-9 reflection)


Psalm 24:1-6 commentary